PAF – Online Casino – The BIGGEST European Casino Jackpot! Take Your Chance and Win Over 8 000 000 Euros on a Single Spin by Playing Arabian Nights Slot Game!
PAF was launched online in 1999 and since then it has become a famous online casino.
Biggest European Jackpot
To celebrate that we have the biggest online jackpot at the moment, we want to give all our new players a great welcome gift.
All players that make a deposit here at Paf gets a 100% up to 100 Euro welcome bonus. So take your chance and win over 8 000 000 Euros on a single spin by playing Arabian Nights.
This jackpot is only available at Paf.
Company information
“Paf is licenced and controlled by the local Åland government. We were founded in 1966 and by charities to raise money for good causes. And that aim has never changed. When you win, you keep the money. When we win, our profit is used to improve lives. So play among friends and join the fun where everyone wins!”
Supported Payment Methods:
Neteller, Credit / Debit Cards, Moneybookers, Bank Tranfer, Paysafecard and more!
At PAF you can play: Casino and Live Dealers Casino Games, Poker, Backgammon, Bingo, Lotteries, SportsBetting and more!